Sunday, March 22, 2009

Abstracts Guidelines


First things first: Abstracts (Tutorials or Conference) are due BEFORE April 15th. Please, please, please don't wait until the very last minute to try and think something up. You wouldn't let your kids (nor your students if you are a teacher) get away with something like that, would you? So, be kind to the Review Committee and submit early. You may submit TWO talks if you like and/or TWO presentations from the same company.

You can submit more than two per company for now and IF we have room later we can add them in - but for now with fewer talks taking more time it is going to be a tight squeeze. Also, if you plan on presenting during the Monday Tutorials, then you can, of course, present another talk during the regular conference.

Following is a format that we would like for you to use.

{title} [Centered and Bold]
[1, 2 or 3 column table containing the following]
{city1, state1, postalCode1, country1}

{city2, state, postalCode2, country2}

See for more details.

One or two paragraphs, about 100 - 300 words, that best describe the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of the White Paper itself. The abstract and references (the ones that you have so far) can be on the same page. References can be either an added page(s) or, if only two or three, on the same page as single-line-spaced footnote.

Use 12 point type and double-line-spacing for the abstract for now. (If in doc or docx format - or any other format that can be imported into MS Word - we can reformat but it would be nice if you did it up front.) 1" margin top and bottom with 0.5" margins on each side. Submit in either doc, docx or pdf format.

White papers will follow a similar format but submission characteristics will change slightly.

The conference papers will be a valid, refereed white paper that academics can use for their publications credentials. The Monday Tutorials have to be approved but are not refereed in the normal sense of the word.

Please feel free to contact info@OctoberRulesFest if you need anything more than what has been blogged already on the subject. So far we have the following abstracts that have been submitted with more promised this coming week:

Jason Morris
"Implementation of a Modified Propose and Revise Problem-Solving Method Using Jess"

Dr. Charles Forgy
"Possible Extensions To Rulebase Languages To Support Cooperating Rules Sets That Run In Parallel" (Or something like that)

James Owen
"Updating Rulebased Forecasting (RBF) To Use Modern Rule Engines"

Dr. Rick Hicks
"Automated Verification Testing for Propositional Logic Systems"

Dr. Jacob Feldman
"Rule Violations and Over-Constrained Problems"

Titles and abstracts may change "slightly" between now and July 1st when the final white papers are due. If you have some of the references ready now, please include them. And hurry! :-)


1 comment:

jcmorris said...

Hey James,

How about we agree to use IEEE standards for the whitepapers? Everything we need can be found here

- Jason